
Population Growth and its Effect: A Reaction Paper

Population growth is one of the big problems in the Philippines. Growing numbers of individuals contribute a lot of problems in the country like problems in; environment, social, and economic,

Environmental Problems. The increase of population means the increase of waste materials thrown in our environment. People are really not aware of what's happening in their environment, they have reached the point that they do not realize that their simple doings can create a big problems in the environment. For example; use of improper waste disposal will create a floods and while watching a documentaries about this, I was really disappointed to the people who are irresponsible and it makes me more disappointed when I realized that I am one of them. 
Social Problems. The increasing number of population will force the people to do such illegal jobs. Companies were not able to accommodate a very large number of applicants because this is really limited and they have a standards in choosing their employees and because of the advancement of technologies they do not need a lot of man power to do the task; the technologies will do. So, it makes me sad because the people are not given the chance or opportunity to show their skills and they have no nice jobs and no money either to support                                                            their big family.
Economic Problems. I'm not economist to explain properly the economy of the Philippines but I will share what i know about this matter, The amount of resources that the Philippines have is simply too little to accommodate a very large number of people. They can live but they are not comfortable in living because what they have is too little for them so it makes me really sad and at the same time blame them because they have no discipline, they give birth a lot of kids knowing that they can't support them.
Planet earth is slowly dying and people are responsible for this matter. If we do not control ourselves to do such foul actions the Earth will permanently damaged. We should protect the nature because without this we will die. 


God's creations: people destroying it?


courtesy: gbclander.org

Mountains, forests, seas, flowers, animals and all things in this world are those God's creations , even us. Living with those creations are such a blessing for the people. We are assigned to take care of it. People are the most special creation by God because we give life to the Earth. We are the care takers of God's creation BUT are we good enough to be called care takers of God's properties?

Environment is a very serious thing and important to the people;where the people live and it is our natural resources without this, people can't live. Earth is the only planet that has living things and we are very lucky to have those creations.

But nowadays, because of the extreme desired to earn money and to become one of the richest person in the world they have to used our natural resources because of that desires, they never noticed that they are abusing the God's properties. People are really abusive. Let's say that cutting of trees are not bad; it gives us shelter to live, furnitures, it became available for agricultural use as farm,  it provides materials for the wood industries, and provides a new population areas.

But because of their greediness in money, they are abusing the trees. Government used it for economic purposes and nation's new income sources because we have a low grow rate of economy. They never noticed that we are running out of trees in our forest. Because of their desire to have housing projects for the people and other government projects, we are experiencing climate change.

According to Natural Defense Council (NRDC) climate change is changing our economy, health, and communities in diverse ways. Scientists warned us that if we do not agressively curb climate                 change now, the results will likely be disastrous.

Scientists explained that carbon dioxide and other global warming pollutants are collecting in the atmosphere like a thickening blanket, trapping the sun's heat and causing the planet to warm up.

The United States Global Change Research Program which includes the Department of Defense, NASA, National Science Foundation, and other government agencies said that global warming is unequivocal and primarily human induced and that climate changes are underway in the United States and are projected to grow.

In addition, not just the cutting of trees causes climate change,  Human activities like mining, improper usage of waste disposal, and burning may contribute to global warming.

According United States Global Change Research Program concludes that climate change also poses unique challenges to human health like; significant increases in the risk of illness and death related to extreme heat, diseases transmitted by foods, water, and insects are increases.

courtesy: www.cambodiafirstclinic.com
Variety of solutions have been proposed to stop global warming such as energy conservation which is the reduction in the amount of energy consumed by the society by means of elimination of waste and rational use.  We can conserve energy in a very simple ways that will help to avoid climate change.; Reduce, reuse, recycle, proper usage of electricity, and proper use of home appliances. Second, Renewable energy replaces conventional fuels in four distinct areas: electricity generations, air and water heating/cooling, motor fuels, and rural (off-grid) energy services. The electricity is powered by our                       natural resources which includes the sun, water, and wind. It offers                                 a carbon- free alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

courtesy: louisdietvorst.wordpress.com

We should be more responsible taking care of our environment because if we do not take an action we will destroy it.  It is really important to value our natural resources because if we don't, we have horrible air to breathe, no trees, no water, no food, no shelter, and we might die from illness. Without those natural sources, people have nothing. We need to start doing simple things to save and protect our environment.